4 Reasons Why You Should Keep WordPress Up To Date
With WordPress powering over 42% of the web and more sites being added daily it is important users and developers understand the importance of keeping WordPress up to date. As a design and hosting company based in the UK our support team periodically receive emails from customers asking whether or not they should update WordPress, […]
WordPress 5.6 Update Released | What’s new?
WordPress have released WordPress 5.6 “Simone”, named after singer, songwriter and civil rights activist Nina Simone. The new release brings a new theme, more layout and styling options plus auto-updates. What’s new with WordPress 5.6? A new theme The new Twenty Twenty-One theme has arrived and if you decide to upgrade to version 5.6 you […]
How to create a blog post in WordPress
Trying to create and write a new blog post or article in WordPress? Learn how to do create a blog post and more with our handy guide for beginners and advanced users. Before we get started: Throughout this guide we will of course show you the basics but also go more in depth about how […]