Unlocking Insights: The Benefits of Microsoft Clarity for Your Website

See exactly what your visitors are doing In today’s digital landscape, understanding user behavior on your website is crucial for driving engagement, improving user experience, and ultimately achieving your business goals. One tool that has been gaining significant traction for its powerful yet user-friendly analytics capabilities is Microsoft Clarity. Google Analytics can offer a lot […]

How to Use DMARC and DKIM to Stop Email Spoofing

Email spoofing is a deceptive practice where cybercriminals forge email headers to make messages appear as though they are coming from a trusted source. This tactic is commonly used in phishing attacks to trick recipients into revealing sensitive information or clicking on malicious links. However, with the right email authentication protocols, such as DMARC and […]

New Microsoft Business licenses announced

Microsoft announces new licenses Microsoft has launched new Microsoft 365 Business licences (Basic, Standard and Premium) which do not include Teams. The pricing has yet to be confirmed but is expected to be between 10% and 20% cheaper than the current licenses that do include Teams. Existing Business licenses to continue Existing Business licenses will […]

Why You Should Backup Your Cloud Files

Is your data safe and secure? If you use cloud-based Software as a Service (Saas) systems such as Microsoft Onedrive or Shareport, or Google Drive and don’t have separate backup, your business is potentially at risk. We explain below why, what the impact could be and what you can do about it. You are responsible […]

Is it time to review your email security?

Your emails may be blocked

Are you at risk? If you have an email address but no security to protect it, you are putting your business at risk – we explain why below, what it could mean to your business, and what you can do about it. ICO Case Study This ICO case study is a good example of what […]

Don’t let cyber grinches spoil Christmas!

‘Tis the season for festivities, but don’t let cyber grinches spoil the fun! 🎁 Here’s a quick guide to fortify your digital world this Christmas: Stay Vigilant: Cyber threats love holiday distractions. Be extra cautious when your attention is elsewhere. Lock Down Everything: Secure your digital turf—routers, computers, servers, websites, IoT gadgets, and online accounts […]

How to check your internet speed

There are many reasons you might want to check your internet speed. One of those could be to see if you are getting the speeds your provider guarantees. Other reasons include diagnosing problems with your connection, or testing if you connection is enough to handle your day to day activities. Whatever your reason might be, […]

The Surprising Impact of a Contended Line on Your Internet Speed

When browsing for new broadband for your business you will likely come across the words ‘contended’ and ‘uncontended’, but what do these mean? Understanding these is important and is something your provider should explain to you. There is nothing worse than having misguided expectations leading to disappointment.  Contention and contention ratios are very often overlooked by […]

How to get the most out of your broadband speed 

You will almost never reach your maximum advertised broadband speed on a contended line. This is why providers usually offer guaranteed minimum speeds, which on Gigabit connections can reach 200Mbps and even more.   But what if you are not even getting your guaranteed speed? In some cases this might be the fault of the supplier […]


Are your conference calls jittery? Websites take forever to load? Instead of watching a video you find yourself staring at the buffering animation until you’re on the verge of insanity? Slow internet is no fun, and it can be a real productivity killer. There are various reason why you may suddenly have slow internet. Not […]